1.    Bobbing for Apples: Fill a large bucket with water and floating apples. Players must use only their mouths to try and grab an apple while keeping their hands behind their backs.

2.     Pumpkin Carving Contest: Have a pumpkin carving competition where participants create their best and spookiest designs. You can even have different categories for scariest, funniest, and most creative pumpkins.

3.     Halloween Scavenger Hunt: Create a Halloween-themed scavenger hunt with clues and hidden treats or small trinkets. Make it more challenging by having it in the dark with flashlights.

4.     Costume Contest: Host a costume contest and have participants show off their creative and scary outfits. You can have different categories and even include prizes for the winners.

5.     Mummy Wrap: Divide players into teams and provide them with a few rolls of toilet paper. One team member will be the "mummy" while the rest of the team wraps them up in toilet paper as fast as possible.

6.     Halloween Bingo: Create bingo cards with Halloween-themed images or words, and play a fun game of bingo with spooky prizes for the winners.

7.     Halloween Charades: Play charades with Halloween-related topics, movies, monsters, and more.

8.     Ghost in the Graveyard: This is a fun outdoor game where one person is the "ghost" and hides while others count. The goal is for the players to find the ghost before they get back to the designated spot.

9.     Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin: A Halloween twist on the classic "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" game. Blindfolded participants attempt to pin a paper nose on a pumpkin.

10.  Witch Hat Ring Toss: Set up a few witch hats in a row and have players toss rings to try and land them on the pointy hats.

11.  Halloween Freeze Dance: Play Halloween-themed music and have everyone dance, but when the music stops, they must freeze like a statue until the music starts again.

12.  Monster Mash Limbo: Use a broomstick or a pool noodle as the limbo stick, and have players do the limbo while dressed in their Halloween costumes.

Remember to adapt the games based on the age group and preferences of the participants. These Halloween games are sure to add a lot of fun and excitement to your Halloween celebrations!